Then Survive
It isn't fair!
No one ever said that life would be fair.
Nor did they say it would be easy.
It isn't about justice,
It's not about what is or isn't fair.
But I want...
We all want
And we often don’t receive.
Life is about learning.
It takes hard work and focus.
Learning how to survive,
And flourish without fairness
And without pity.
Despite any tragedies
And amongst hostility.
I'm afraid!
Each of us fears things.
It’s OK to be afraid but remember…
Fear will freeze you in place.
Step up, grow strong.
Place one foot into the darkness,
Then be swallowed whole,
And emerge from the other side,
Changed and Scarred,
But Alive.
It hurts. I hurt.
While sometimes horrific
Pain is a means of knowing you're alive.
Pain is a teacher,
And a harsh mistress,
To ensure life long learning.
But I don't like pain!
Don't like it?
Who does?
Learn to accept it.
It's a constant,
A rock to cling to-
When life crumbles,
And flood waters rise.
Help! I think I'm drowning!
Learn to swim!
I don't know how!
While, if you’re lucky,
Friends and family will help keep you afloat -
You can’t count on a White Knight to mount a rescue.
It comes down to this -
Sink or Swim.
Do or Die.
But I don't want to die!